Svensk Bilsport

Swedish Automobile Sports Federation

The Swedish Automobile Sports Federation is included as one of all the specialist sports federations within the National Sports Confederation. The Swedish Motorsport Association is also part of the international automotive federation, FIA Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Every year, the Swedish Automobile Sports Federation holds a federation meeting. The country's associations participate there and in a democratic process the board that will lead the association for the coming year is appointed.

At the board's disposal to implement the decisions taken at the confederation meeting are the staff at the Swedish Automobile Association's office.

On the left you will find addresses for the association, board, office, committees, committees and all districts and clubs.
If you are surfing on a mobile platform, there are quick links to the board and office below.

Contact details

The Swedish Automobile Sports Federation
Box 705, 191 27 Sollentuna

Visiting adress
Bergkällavägen 31A, 192 79 Sollentuna

Office opening hours
Må-To 09.00-16.30, Fr 09.00-15.00 (lunch 12.00-13.00)
(Please call and make an appointment before you come, so that we can give you the best service)

Telephone: 08-626 33 00 (exchange)

Telephone hours: Mon-Fri 09.00-15.00

Telephone hours for license matters: 10.00-15.00
(other times we refer to e-mail)


Organization number: 802000-3425

SBF's bank accounts
Bankgiro 5884-6569 (payment of invoice with OCR number)

Bankgiro 5884-6627 (other payments)
For international payments
IBAN: SE8780000890119839812964

Bank transfer for legal matters: 766-9781

Bank transfer for memorial funds
Ronnie Peterson Memorial Fund: Bg 5883-1835
Robert Essebro's memorial fund: Bg 5883-3328
Anecto Racing memorial fund: Bg 5883-4565

Billing address
The Swedish Motorsport Association
Company page 6234
Box 744, FE 761
751 75 Uppsala

Billing address SBAB
Svensk Bilsport AB
Company page 6235
Box 746, FE 761
751 75 Uppsala

Sidan uppdaterades den 24 april 2023